What I Want(!)

TLDR: Please make an ATP shirt inspired by the chip design on the M1 shirts depicting The Windows of Siracusa County.

The Problem:

I have spent the years since first hearing Ep. 96 of ATP trying to conceive of what John's desktop actually looks like. I’d like to simply ask to see it, but there’s certainly private information in each of those windows. John could redact a screenshot, but that would likely take some time and effort, and for what? To share on Twitter? Yeah right. John's way too busy with his jobby-job to do that.

What's that about Independence day? John quit his jobby-job? Good for him!... What? That interposed Max shirt sold really well because it's a humorous in-joke? That gives me an idea.

What I Want(!):

An ATP shirt in the style of the M1 shirts, but instead of a Mac chip design, it shows John’s desktop. John has already demonstrated the ability to make a shirt design that consists of a bunch of rectangles, and I was thinking that he might be able to make a design that is a representation of what his workspace looks like - preferably on a busy day.

This would also be a great opportunity to tie in apps like Overcast, SwitchGlass, Front & Center, y'all's websites, etc. for the funsies. Maybe, maybe not. Either way, tie it all together with the ATP logo on the front and "96: The Windows of Siracusa County" on the back with the design.

Let me tell you, this will be the best selling shirt of ATP history.

Now, John is far too humble to do this on his own, that’s why I didn’t send him the link to this post. I suspect he’ll require lot's of cajoling by co-hosts/listeners to get him to do the fairly large amount of work of creating the design. If this has a shot of happening, then Casey and Marco will have to be the ones to bring the idea to John.

Please. This would make me so happy.